Case Histories
Scar ectopic pregnancy in Previous Caesarean scar tackled laparoscopically
Scar ectopic pregnancy in Previous Caesarean scar tackled laparoscopically
Laparoscopic detorsion of a twisted large ovarian cyst 13 cm size
Laparoscopic detorsion of a twisted large ovarian cyst 13 cm size
Laparoscopic detorsion of a twisted large ovarian cyst 13 cm size
Laparoscopic detorsion of a twisted large ovarian cyst 13 cm size
Hysteroscopic polyp removal
Large multiple fibroids in the uterus
Large multiple fibroids in the uterus
Case of 22 cm large ovarian cyst in pregnancy tackled laparoscopically
Case of 22 cm large ovarian cyst in pregnancy tackled laparoscopically
Case of 22 cm large ovarian cyst in pregnancy tackled laparoscopically
Case of 22 cm large ovarian cyst in pregnancy tackled laparoscopically
Case of 22 cm large ovarian cyst in pregnancy tackled laparoscopically
Case of 22 cm large ovarian cyst in pregnancy tackled laparoscopically
Case of 22 cm large ovarian cyst in pregnancy tackled laparoscopically
4 litres of cyst fluid drained and collapsed cyst wall removed laparoscopically
Large fibroid uterus as seen during hysterectomy
Fibroid seen when enucleated
Hysterectomy specimen when removed
Hysteroscopic tubal cannulation for tubal blocks.
As seen laparoscopically
Hysteroscopic tubal cannulation for tubal blocks.
As seen laparoscopically
Hysteroscopic tubal cannulation for tubal blocks.
As seen laparoscopically
Unicornuate uterus with rudimentary non communicating horn.
Seen a Caesarean section for Breech presentation
Unicornuate uterus with rudimentary non communicating horn.
Seen a Caesarean section for Breech presentation
Post hysterectomy 11 cm ovarian cyst stuck to the vault
11 cm ovarian cyst during a hysterectomy case
Unusual presentation of baby’s head prompting a C section.
Baby was fine and happy post birth
3 kg multiple fibroids
Hysterectomy specimen for a large 12cm fibroid
Bicornuate uterus during Caesarean section:
Pregnancy was in the right horn
Asymptomatic scar dehiscence noted during repeat Caesarean
section for a case with previous two C sections:
‘Babies’ of a different kind – Large fibroid 24 weeks size
‘Babies’ of a different kind – Fibroid with endometriosis
Unicornuate uterus incidentally found for Caesarean section
done for Breech presentation
22 fibroids removed from one patient
Case of uterine septum. Step wise Septal resection performed hysteroscopically.
Case of uterine septum. Step wise Septal resection performed hysteroscopically.
Case of uterine septum. Step wise Septal resection performed hysteroscopically.
Case of uterine septum. Step wise Septal resection performed hysteroscopically.
Case of uterine septum. Step wise Septal resection performed hysteroscopically.
Scar endometriosis
Scar endometriosis
Scar endometriosis
Scar endometriosis
Large 21 cm cyst tackled laparoscopically
Decompression of cyst
Cyst wall excision
Extracted cyst wall
Cyst wall fluid suctioned