29 Dec

Female infertility – Everything you need to know

While conception is largely a smooth process for most, some women may experience difficulties in conceiving naturally. However, infertility need not mark the end of your parenthood dreams. Timely consultation with an expert gynecologist can help you overcome the challenges and step into the beautiful world of motherhood. To start with, let’s uncover infertility in its entirety.

What is female infertility?

Female infertility is a condition when a woman is unable to conceive even after trying for over a year.

What causes female infertility?

Infertility is caused by a number of reasons, including:

  • Damaged fallopian tubes
    Blockage in the fallopian tubes triggered by pelvic infections, endometriosis (abnormal growth of tissue), or a chronic illness such as thyroid
  • Hormonal issues
    Hormonal imbalance resulting in irregular release of eggs from the ovaries
  • Cervical issues
    Obstruction in the cervical canal which prevents smooth passage of the sperm into the fallopian tube

What are the symptoms of female infertility?

There are no definite outward signs that confirm infertility. However, conditions that might indicate infertility include:

  • Irregular menstrual cycle
    A menstrual cycle that is either too long (35 days or more) or too short (less than 21 days)
  • Extended gaps in menstruation
    An absence of periods for three months or more due to anovulation (a condition in which the ovaries do not release eggs each month as part the normal cycle)
  • Unusual pain
    Extremely painful periods, excruciating pain during intercourse, or abnormal vaginal bleeding

How can infertility be detected?

The only way to confirm infertility is by undergoing various tests suggested by a gynecologist. These include:

  • Hysterosalpingography (HSG)
    A radiology procedure to confirm blockage of the fallopian tubes
  • Laparoscopy
    A surgical procedure that helps trace abnormal growth in the fallopian tubes

Can infertility be treated?

Infertility is a complex disorder. But the good news is that it can treated. While some women react to simple medicine, others may require longer sessions or surgeries. Some of the common surgical procedures include:

  • Laparoscopy
    A laparoscopic surgery for infertility
    removes scar tissues and cysts (if any) and treats endometriosis
  • Hysteroscopy
    Hysteroscopy is minimally invasive and removes polyps or fibroid tumors from the uterus

Finding a trustworthy clinic is the first step towards addressing the root cause behind infertility. If you are looking for the best infertility treatment in Pune, Touch of Life is here to help. Dr Nina and her team are working tirelessly to understand your concerns and provide unmatched infertility treatment in Pune, thus making your dream of parenthood a reality.

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