08 Mar

Your Guide to a Safe Abortion

Abortion is a subject that’s at the core of many a debate and discussion. Medically speaking, it is a sensitive procedure that must be undertaken with great precaution and care. As one of the Best Pregnancy Hospitals in Pune, we are often asked questions on abortion’s many facets – when should it be done, what is the safest procedure to follow, what are the side-effects, how does one ensure optimal care, and so on. To help bring more clarity, we have penned down the most common concerns around abortion.

When to Abort

While every case is different, the most common reasons for an abortion include medical complications or an unwanted pregnancy. In either case, it’s best to consult your gynecologist to understand and weigh all your options. You could also opt for counseling – an effective means that will help make an informed decision.

When it comes to timing, the earlier an abortion is done, the safer it is. An early termination gives you the option of both medical and surgical abortions, giving you the confidence and comfort you need at the time of making this difficult decision.

Types of Abortion

There are essentially two types of abortion procedures – Medical and Surgical.

Medical abortion involves the use of medication for termination of a pregnancy. In most cases gynecologists recommend such a procedure only up to 10 weeks from the first day of the last period. If you are in the early stages of pregnancy, make sure you consult your doctor to know if a medical abortion is the best option for you.

Surgical abortion, on the other hand, is a full-fledged medical procedure that helps in termination of  the pregnancy. Usually, this method is recommended for up to 12 weeks from the first day of your last period. Medically speaking, an abortion is usually not recommended after the 12-week mark.

Medical and legal implications

Many women experience cramps and heavy bleeding during a medical abortion. Some also experience nausea, vomiting, headaches, and fever. While these common reactions aren’t cause for alarm, it is advisable to check with your gynecologist if the effects persist for extended periods of time. That said, it’s worth noting that neither of the methods mentioned above hinder your chances of conceiving again.

Coming to the issue of legality of abortions in India, these procedures must be done within 20 weeks of pregnancy. Further, an abortion does not require the consent of any other person, apart from the mother herself.

Post-operative care

Adequate rest and prompt follow-ups are of utmost importance after an abortion. While most women return to normalcy within a day or two after the procedure, basic precautionary measures are advised. Most doctors suggest avoiding strenuous exercise, intensive physical activity, or sexual intercourse for at least a week. However, it’s best you speak to your gynecologist to know more.

At Touch of Life, we work to ease the process of abortion. Our team of experienced gynecologists is committed to help you at every step – from making a difficult decision to recouping from an abortion. We use our expertise and experience to ensure that you are at ease.

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One thought on “Your Guide to a Safe Abortion

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