Take small steps to curb high-risk pregnancy
06 Dec

Take small steps to curb high-risk pregnancy

Expecting a baby is the beginning of life’s most beautiful adventures. Precisely why, as gynecologists, we try to ensure a smooth journey for both the mother and child. However, in some instances this journey can be a tumultuous one, especially in the case of a high-risk pregnancy.

A high-risk pregnancy is often the outcome of pre-existing medical conditions, such as heart disease, hypertension, and diabetes. Besides leading to potential complications, this can also put the well-being of you and your baby at risk. Which is why, it’s important to seek special attention from an expert for a trouble-free pregnancy and safe delivery.

The risks:

High Blood Pressure: Although hypertension is common during pregnancy, it can be one of the primary causes of preeclampsia, eclampsia, and other conditions that can lead to maternal mortality or morbidity.

Heart diseases: Your heart undergoes a host of changes during pregnancy. For instance, to ensure your baby receives enough oxygen and nutrients, the heart pumps 30-50% more blood each minute. As a result, your heart has to work harder and is more vulnerable to cardiac arrest during pregnancy and delivery.

Diabetes: High blood sugar means your baby is getting excess glucose, a condition that can affect the fetus in the first weeks of pregnancy. If untreated, this can result in premature birth, miscarriage, stillbirth, or serious birth defects.

Sexually-transmitted diseases: HIV and AIDS cause substantial harm to immune system, thereby putting you and your unborn baby at risk. If not monitored constantly, you can transfer the virus to the fetus during pregnancy or post delivery                 .

Maternal age: Research indicates that if the expecting mother’s age is less than 17 or more than 35, the risk of a difficult pregnancy is usually higher. The chances of miscarriage or genetic dysfunction further increases post the age of 40.

The fix:

  • Schedule a preconception appointment to address potential risks and ensure a safer pregnancy
  • Seek regular prenatal consultation for constant monitoring and optimal care during pregnancy
  • Get folic acid daily before and during your perinatal period
  • Stay away from cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs during pregnancy to avoid further complications
  • Refer to a Perinatologist with special training in high-risk pregnancy to ensure best-possible care and outcome

If you’re looking for high-risk pregnancy treatment in Pune, look no further than Touch of Life. Feel free to reach out to Dr Nina and her team for advanced high-risk obstetrics in Pune. Together, let’s give every life the touch of good health.

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